Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 2 Week 2


320 X 5
320 X 5
320 X 5


285 X 5
285 X 5
285 X 5

Bent Over Rows

205 X 5
205 X 5
205 X 5

Bar Curls

85 X 5
85 X 5
85 X 5


BW X 5
BW X 5
BW X 5

Added arms into the program at real light weights. Trying to assist the tendon soreness by working out the kinks. My Achilles Elbow is threatening to tap out so its time to punish it into submission.

Bent overs felt really strong this week.

Squats were a bitch...yesterdays run made that a reality..thanks Army pt requirements.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 2 Day 1


315 X 5
315 X 5
315 X 5

Push Press

195 X 5
195 X 5
195 X 5


375 X 5

Added 10 to each exercise due to transition to 3 X 5 program. Probably not a
smart move to go higher than suggested but I love heavy weights.

I also don't list my warm ups but that goes without saying.


SFC Justin Cole
