Wednesday, January 4, 2012



135 X 6
135 X 6
225 X 4
275 X 4
315 X 13 (Not a typo)
365 X 1
405 X 1


225 X 4
225 X 4
275 X 1

20 min Round of:

Weighted Box Jumps with DB/Straight Bar Curls/Tricep OH Press

30lbs X 10/65 X 10/80 X 10
35lbs X 10/65 X 10/80 X 10
40lbs X 10/65 X 10/85 X 10
45lbs X 10/75 X 10/90 X 10
50lbs X 10/75 X 10/90 X 10
55lbs X 10/75 X 10/95 X 10

Box jumps were performed with dumbbells in each the final set increased my overall body weight by 110lbs...

Only managed 6 rounds but I increased the weight on something every round.

Push hard.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Bent over rows. Typically performed with a straight bar using a variety of hand positions. Great exercise for building width in the back and upper back strength.
