Friday, January 20, 2012


Behind the Neck Push Press

65 X 6
65 X 6
95 X 4
115 X 3
135 X 4
155 X 1
175 X 1
195 X 1
215 X 1

Both biceps tendon feel over-worked. Really solid, sharp pain so I endexed the push presses. I moved into skull crushers which felt good on the tendons, almost like a massaging effect in the elbows but when I went to dummy curls....PAIN, PAIN, PAIN....

I pushed through it slowly.

5 sets Skull Crushers
5 sets Dummy Curls (really light and slow)

30 min run.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Squats to the Bucket..

I started with 135 and worked my way to 315. To the bucket means to go as low as possible without sacrificing form. Many would argue that anything below 90 degrees (parallel to the floor) is a waste and has no benefits...If that's the case, show me one olympic athlete, bodybuilder or powerlifter that doesn't incorporate deep squats. It is a natural, functional movement for the body.

I did 7 sets of these.

Then I did 7 rotations non-stop of:

Bear Complex
100m Sprints


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Deads (Volume training)

135 X 8
135 X 8
225 X 5
315 X 10
315 X 10
315 X 10

Bent Over Collar Rows

135 X 10
135 X 10
135 X 10

Pull Downs

About 6 sets, behind the neck , increasing weight each set.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I'm pushing for 400 on bench by March 15th

Flat Bench

135 X 6
135 X 6
225 X 5
315 X 3
335 X 1
365 X 1
385 X Miss
375 X Miss

Too large of a jump on bench probably nuked my strength at the end...possibly.

Decline Dumbbells

65 X 10
80 x 10
100 X 8

Incline Cable Flys

60 X 10
100 X 10
120 X 10

Not a fan of cable anything but variety has its benefits.

Run for 30 mins......

Running sucks.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry